Java String substring() Method Tutorial

In this section, we will learn what the String substring() method is and how to use it in Java.

What is Java String substring() Method?

The `substring()` method is used when we want to get a portion or substring of a string value.

For example, we have a message like:

“Nobody ever drowned in his own sweat”

And we want to get the “Nobody ever drowned” part of this message and return it as a new string object. This is where we can use the `substring()` method.

Java substring() Method Syntax:

public String substring(int startIndex)

public String substring(int startIndex, int endIndex)

substring() Method Parameters:

  • `startIndex`: this is the starting index number from which we want to take a substring at that point.

Note: this index is inclusive.

  • `endIndex`: this is the end index where the end of the substring will be.


  • This end index is exclusive.
  • Also, if we don’t set the second argument (endIndex), by default the last index of the target string will be considered as the end of the substring as well.

substring() Method Return Value:

The return value of this method is of type string, which is the substring that we wanted to take out from the target string value.

substring() Method Exceptions:

We will get an exception of type `StringIndexOutOfBoundsException` if we set an index number that is out of the range of the target string value.

Example: using String substring() method

public class Simple {

    public static void main(String[] args)  {
        String w = "Life is amazing!";
        String sub1 = w.substring(8);
        String sub2= w.substring(0,4);





Example: Java String substring() method

public class Simple {

    public static void main(String[] args)  {
        String w = "Nobody ever drowned in his own sweat";
        String sub= w.substring(0,19);


Nobody ever drowned


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