C sizeof Operator Tutorial

In this section we will learn what the sizeof operator is and how to use it in C.

sizeof in C

In data types section, we mentioned that each basic data type has a pre-decided size.

For example, `int` data type takes about 4 bytes of memory space or `long` takes about 8 bytes of memory space, etc.

But it turns out that the size of data types is system dependent!

For example, depending on the underlying architecture, in one system the `int` data type is 4 bytes in length, but in another system it might end up taking 8 bytes of memory space.

Now, in C programming there’s an operator named `sizeof` by which we can see the actual and real size of each data type on each system.

C sizeof Operator Syntax:

sizeof value;

sizeof data-type;

sizeof (data-type);


Note: the use of parentheses is optional.

This operator takes one argument, and that is the name of a data type or a variable of the data type that we want to get its size.

This operator will return an inter value and the unit of measurement for this value is `byte`. For example, if the returned value is 4, it means the size of the target data type is 4 bytes.

Example: using the sizeof operator in C

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

    int sizeOfInt = sizeof(int);
    int sizeOfLong = sizeof(long);
    int sizeOfLongLong = sizeof(long long);
    int sizeOfShort = sizeof(short);
    int sizeOfFloat = sizeof float;
    int sizeOfDouble = sizeof double;
    int sizeOfChar = sizeof char;

    printf("int: %d , long: %d , long long: %d , short: %d , float: %d , double: %d , char: %d \n" , sizeOfInt,
            sizeOfLong, sizeOfLongLong,sizeOfShort, sizeOfFloat, sizeOfDouble, sizeOfChar );
    return 0;


int: 4 , long: 4 , long long: 8 , short: 2 , float: 4 , double: 8 , char: 1

To use the `sizeof` operator, we can simply put the name of the target data-type (or its variable) in front of the `sizeof` operator.

Note: As the example above shows, optionally we can put the data-type or its variable in parentheses when working with `sizeof` operator. But remember, the use of parentheses is optional.

This operator can be useful when you want to make sure your target data type is at least big enough to hold a particular value.

For example, let’s say we have a number that is big enough that can’t be stored in a variable of type `int`. So we decided to use either `long` or `long long` data type.

The problem is that there’s a chance that the `long` data type is actually equally the same size as `int` data type! So in that case we should switch to `long long` data type. But we don’t know for sure what system considers `long` as greater than `int` data type and what system doesn’t!

So what we can do here is to use the conditional statements like `if` with the combination of `sizeof` operator before declaring a variable.

Example: sizeof operator in C

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

    if (sizeof(long) > sizeof(int)){
        long variableName = 1000000000;
        long long variableName = 1000000000;
    return 0;

As you can see, here we’ve compared the size of the long data type with the size of the int to see if the long data type has a greater memory space compared to the int. Now if that was true, then the data type of the `variableName` becomes `long`, otherwise the `long long` data type will be used instead.

Note: check out the `if` section to learn more about this conditional statement.


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