HTML table Tag Tutorial

In this section, we will learn what HTML <table> element is and how to use it.

HTML to Create a Table: How to Make a HTML Table? (<table> Tag in HTML)

HTML <table> element is used to create a table in an HTML document.

This element is a container for the created table, but there are other important HTML elements that get involved creating parts of a table.

For example, HTML <tr> element is used to create a row in a table.

Or <th> and <td> elements are used to create the cells inside table rows.

So yeah, a <table> element is a container for other internal elements that create the actual table you see in an HTML document.

In short, these are the elements we use in the process of creating a table in HTML:

  • HTML <thead> element: this is a container element and is used to group those rows in a table that belong to the header part of a table.
  • HTML <tbody> element: this is a container element and is used to group those rows in a table that belongs to the main body of a table.
  • HTML <tfoot> element: this is a container element and is used to group those rows in a table that belong to the footer part of a table.
  • HTML <tr> element: this element is used to create rows in a table.
  • HTML <th> element: this element is used to create table head cells.
  • HTML <td> element: this element is used to create table data cells.

Note: all of these elements go in the body of an HTML <table> element.

HTML <table> Tag Syntax:

<table> </table>

Example: creating a table in HTML

See the Pen creating a table in HTML by Omid Dehghan (@odehghan) on CodePen.


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