CSS order Property Tutorial

In this section, we will learn what the order property is and how to use it in CSS.

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CSS order Property Definition and Usage

By default, flex-items are laid out along the main-axis in the order they appear in the source code.

But CSS provided a property named `order` by which we can change the order of the flex-items within their container.

CSS order Property Syntax

order: number|initial|inherit;

CSS order Property Value

The value we set for the `order` property can be positive and negative numbers. If multiple flex-items have the same value for the `order` property, they’ll appear according to their position in the source code.

Also, the default value for `order` property is 0, meaning all elements in the flex-container should be placed according to their position in the source code. In such case, specifying the value 1 to a flex-item element will move it to the end and the value -1 will move it to the beginning of the list.

Note: the three global values “initial“, “inherit” and “unset” can also be used for this property.

Example: order property in CSS

See the Pen order property in CSS by Omid Dehghan (@enjoytutorials1) on CodePen.

Warning: do not heavily use the `order` property because it can harm the accessibility of your site because navigation using the Tab-key still uses the source order in most browsers and so this can confuse the audience if they use Tab key. Also, most Screen-reading apps for visually impaired people use the source order to read contents.


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