Python Dictionary Methods Tutorial

In this section, we will learn what methods a dictionary object provides in Python and explain the job of each one of them.

Python Dictionary Methods List:

There are multiple useful methods that are provided for the dictionary object in Python. Using these methods, we can remove, update the keys in a dictionary or get a different type of information about a dictionary in Python.

Here’s the list of dictionary methods:

Method Description
clear() The Python Dictionary clear() method is used to clear the entire elements of a Dictionary.
copy() The Python Dictionary copy() method is used to get a copy of the target dictionary.
fromkeys() The Python Dictionary fromkeys() method is used to create a dictionary from the items of an iterable object.
get() The Python Dictionary get() method is used to get the value of a key in a dictionary.
items() The Python Dictionary items() method is used to get a view of the target dictionary.

This view is basically a list with each pair of key/value of the target Dictionary set in a tuple within this list.

keys() The Python Dictionary keys() method is used to get an object view of the target Dictionary that contains all its keys set as the items of a list.
pop() The Python Dictionary pop() method is used to remove the specified key (set as the first argument of this method) from the target Dictionary.
popitem() The Python dictionary popitem() method is used to remove the last entry (the last pair of key, value) that was inserted into the target Dictionary object.
setdefault() The Python Dictionary setdefault() method is used for two cases:

  • First, it is used to get the value of a key that we put as the argument of this method.
  • Second: if the specified key was not in the target dictionary, then this method will add the key as a new entry to the dictionary.
update() The Python Dictionary update() method is used to add new items to a dictionary.
values() The Python Dictionary values() method is used to get an object view of the target Dictionary that contains all its values set as the items of a list.

In the incoming sections we’ve covered these methods in greater details.


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